Almacis has strong links to the local area and invests in social responsibility initiatives as an integral part of a policy of valorisation and gratitude towards the land of its birth and in favour of the community within which it continues to grow.

The company wants to play a proud, active role in the sustainable, economic, social and cultural growth of its own area. To this end, it constantly implements an established plan that also governs best practice and corporate responsibility, which is encouraged and shared with all employees and collaborators.
Together with Fondazione PescarAbruzzo, Fater spa, Toto Costruzioni, Di Properzio and Ferri Group, Almacis contributed to the construction of the “Ponte del Mare” bridge, the now-iconic structure in the city of Pescara, inaugurated in 2009.
It is a founding member of Fondazione Aria, which has been working since 2011 to enhance the culture and quality of life for locals in the Abruzzo region, with high-level cultural projects. It is also a founding member of Fondazione Hubruzzo, which aims to enhance and promote Abruzzo region companies active in the social sector and in the pursuit of sustainability.

An ethical company committed to the social sector, the circular economy and internationalisation, in 2016 Almacis won a tender by the Italian Cooperation for a development project in Kenya: an agricultural park to provide work for 300 people, inaugurated by the President of the African nation.
In 2019 it took part in and supported the initiative of the Carlo Maresca Spa company and its youth art gallery, Yag/Garage, with the project “Young African Art”, to promote up-and-coming African artists.
The company wanted to do all it could to help contain Covid-19, making donations to the local health authorities of Pescara, Lanciano, Chieti and Vasto as well as the solidarity fund set up by Confindustria Chieti-Pescara.
“Work should be a great joy but for many people it is still torture, the torture of being out of work, or of doing work that serves no purpose, that benefits no noble greater good.” (Adriano Olivetti)