Almacis was established in the mid ‘50s, when Dante Marramiero, with an entrepreneurial spirit and great foresight, launched several activities that laid the foundations for the company we know today.

A story built on innovation
In 1974, Marramiero decided to build on the company’s expertise in the construction sector and water supply networks and irrigation systems, adding a new line of business dedicated specifically to methane gas pipelines and systems. In the space of just a few years the company acquired 40 concessions and in 1979 became a pioneering new player in the energy efficiency sector. The time was ripe to create a more functional organisational framework for the business and so, towards the end of 1987, Almacis was launched. The company went from strength to strength, thanks to solid foundations of innovation, research and valued human resources. Almacis offers highly complex services, alongside those provided by MD Costruzioni, established in 1980 as an offshoot of Impresa Marramiero and specialised in civil and industrial building, and MD Ecogen, a service company established in 1990.
Networks / Systems
Energy efficiency
MD Costruzioni
Finding solutions to complex challenges
Almacis is synonymous with innovation, applying research to the energy, building and utility networks sectors. Its industrial culture, based on integrated, synergistic specialist expertise, allows the company to tackle complex challenges and provide international markets with responses of the highest standard.
The company immediately realised the importance of energy efficiency, and offers its services to industrial and domestic users as a supplier of small cogeneration units.
Today it has its sights set on new solutions, like the small-scale, fluidised bed pyro-gasification plant with which it participates in the Recover project, one of the most important in the world for recycling disposable nappies.

Corporate style characterised by quality
For Almacis, the real strategic factor is quality, which characterises the company’s style, guides every management decision and leads to responsible growth with the clear objective of guaranteeing excellence, providing clients with innovative, more efficient solutions aimed at sustainability.
To make the most of its own eclecticism and specialist expertise, Almacis established four Business Units which generate design and operational synergies and which translate into fast turnaround times and exclusive advantages in terms of technology and realisation.
Four integrated businesses
Almacis has four distinct, independent, integrated Business Units which generate innovation revolving around everything connected to the terms: provide energy, build, connect, research. The interaction between the seamlessly integrated Business Units is an exclusive Almacis advantage which enables the company to provide competitive services with extremely high standards of efficiency.
The future lies in research
Almacis invests in talented individuals with creative flair who exploit inspiration and ideas to generate innovation, interacting with Universities and Research Centres to develop original solutions for processes and plants.
The Almacis Business Units
Our clients are important. And extremely demanding
We have consolidated relations with companies that honour us with their loyalty. Among others, we work for Acraf Angelini, Centrale idroelettrica Monza, Edison, Fater, Ferrari Maranello, Gucci, Hera Ambiente, Ibi Lorenzini, Italgas, Janssen Cilag, Leonardo/Finmeccanica, LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso), Marangoni, Merck-Serono, Merker, Pastificio De Cecco, Pastificio Delverde, Procter & Gamble, S.G.I. (Società Gasdotti Italia), Unareti, 2i Rete Gas.
Ready to face any challenge, anywhere
Almacis knows no borders and has daily dealings with prestigious international clients in Asia, Africa and Europe, receiving plaudits for its style which is a unique mix of innovative ability, expertise and reliability.

At the forefront of renewable energy
Almacis knows the value of renewable resources and the link between environment and energy. It avails of the most competitive formulae for sustainable development, favouring energy autonomy, keeping costs steady and low, and avoiding risks linked to procurement.
Reliability and minimisation of invasiveness
Experience in the construction of methane gas infrastructure networks enabled the company to expand its service with the same level of attention to supply networks for water, liquids and data.
Large-scale intelligent infrastructure networks that must be safe, accessible and monitorable at all times.

Building technology
Every building that we design and build, whether independently or as a general contractor, can be relied on to deliver one particular element: total quality. By studying and applying the most innovative technologies that are best suited to individual projects, we build our reputation by building schools, cultural centres, hospital complexes, industrial buildings, business and residential centres in addition to seismic upgrading measures and structural energy efficiency interventions.
Our challenge: to generate innovative solutions
Every request is a challenge to produce a custom-made project, to make best use of our resources, our ability to innovate and integrate the expertise and skills of our various business units. The result is the competitive solution we deliver.